Рубрика: English
An interesting fact about Armenia
An interesting fact about Armenia

From millennia-old monasteries to crumbling cathedrals, Armenia is scattered with Christian places of worship: they don’t call this the “land of churches” for nothing. It’s impossible to identify the best basilica in the land, but one of our favourites is the 9th-century Tatev Monastery; a stunning building in an area of unremitting beauty.  

Exquisite churches, cathedrals and monasteries abound in Armenia
Թարգմանություն- Հազարամյա վանքերից մինչև քանդվող տաճարներ, Հայաստանը ցրված է քրիստոնեական երկրպագության վայրերով. Դրանք իզուր չեն անվանում «եկեղեցիների երկիր»: Անհնար է բացահայտել երկրի լավագույն բազիլիկը, բայց մեր ամենասիրելիներից է 9-րդ դարի Տաթևի վանքը: ցնցող շինություն `անդադար գեղեցկության տարածքում: Հայաստանում կան առատ եկեղեցիներ, տաճարներ և վանքեր
Рубрика: English


Santa’s here. Ho, ho, ho!
With his reindeer in the snow.
The elves are making lots of toys
Ready for all the girls and boys.
In the workshop I’m an elf
Putting toys upon the shelf.
Santa’s here. Ho, ho, ho!
With his reindeer in the snow.
Tap, tap, tap a doll is ready
Tap, tap, tap let’s make a teddy.
Tap, tap, tap let’s make a plane
Tap, tap, tap now it’s a train.
Tap, tap, tap it’s a computer!
Tap, tap, tap now make a scooter!
Let’s put the presents in Santa’s sleigh
There goes Santa on his way.
Around the world with all the toys
Presents for good girls and boys.
Santa’s here. Ho, ho, ho!
With his reindeer in the snow.

Рубрика: English

English 17,11,2019


1)There are some carrots.

2) There isn’t any chocolate.

3)There are some meat.

4)There isn’t any potatoes.

5)There isn’t any cola.

6)There are some pineapples.

6)There are some  cheese.

7)There are some  bananas.

8)There isn’t any flour.


There are some potatoes in the bag.

Are there any eggs on the table?

There is some sugar in the bowl.

Is there any butter in the fridge.

There is some cola in the bottle.

Are there any chairs in the room?

There aren’t any books on the shelf.

Is there any meat in the shop?



Are there any apples?

Yes, there are.

Are there any eggs?

Yes, there are.

Are there any butter?

Yes, there are.

Are there any tomatoes?

No, there aren’t.

Are there any milk?

Yes, there are.

Are there any oranges?

No, there aren’t.

Are there any meat?

Yes, there are.



Рубрика: English

ENGLISH 13.10.2019

1) David is Bob’s father.

He is Kate’s father, too.

He is Mary’s father, too.

He is Tom’s father, too.

2) Bob is Mary’s brother.

Bob is Kate’s husband. He is her husband. Mary is Tom’s wife. She is her wife. Jean is Roy and Tina’s cousin. She is their cousin. Tom is Roy’s  uncle. He is their uncle. Alice is Jean’s sister. She is his sister. Jean and Alice are Mary and Tom’s children.They are their children. Bob and Mary are David’s children. They are his children.

Рубрика: English


What do you need for school?
I need pencils.
Anything else?
I need a notebook.
Do you need a pen?
No. I already have a pen.
Do you need a calculator?
No. The teacher doesn’t permit calculators.
How about a dictionary?
No, we have a big dictionary in the classroom.
Well, I guess that’s it.
Yes, that’s all I need for now.

Do you go to college?
B: Yes, I do.
A: What college do you go to?
B: I go to Pasadena City College.
A: Do you like it?
B: Oh, yes, I really like it.
A: Why do you like it?
B: Because it has great teachers.
A: What else?
B: I like all my classmates, too.
A: Anything else?
B: Yes. It’s not expensive!



dictionary — բառարան

really իրոք

expensive — թանկ